Tips blogger : omg ! aku fening kepale =.='

salam blogger . well peeps ! today aku nak give some tips bout , mcm mane nak stay cool in blogging dan x feningkan kepale org klau drop by kat blog korunk . well . i know most of u guys like more than one colours . but ! make sure korunk x decorate blog korunk tu menjadi pelangi yang sungguh indah +.+ . as u can see , while blogwalking . korunk akan jumpe mcm2 rupe blog dan mcm2 colour . then sometimes , ade blog yg akan buat korunk rimas . bile korunk masuk , then bape2 saat pastu mouse korunk outomatic nak close window ! this is what happen rite ?? why guys . i tell u why .

ok ! first of all . make sure korunk punye colour blog tuh x bercampur aduk yeah . sometimes blogger nak something yg diffrent then the others . so , dorunk buat camnie ~

font colour : RED
background colour : DARK GREEN
banner : DARK PINK *okey i don't have that colour =.='

ok . enough !
just look at this .
i made it myself ^^, *mmg la xkan org laen pulak buatkan =.=' hahax

hah! nmpak x . selesa x ???
this is enough to show how pening i am when enter to this pattern of site .

i'm not trying to judge people
who am i to judge people around me . yeahh ?? ''.

but peeps , just be cool and simple ~
meh sinie kawe nak royak ciket nieh .org dtng kat blog korunk nak bace entry . bukan nak check bute warne or els . that kindda test , korunk boleh buat kat computer test JPJ nnt ye kengkawan . simple is better dan bukankah islam mengajar kita untuk besederhana ??? (anwar hadi ) huhu . so , org akan senang n tenang je bile drop by and bace entry korunk . this is good good good ! ^^.

try to change to something like this


uhuk ! i know it is red in colour .
but , who care =.='
janji boleh bace dan sedondon gituhhh ^^,


another one ! okeyh . i know its purple .
but . sumpah ! nie bukan blog aku ! ahax !
* not trying to promote my own blog . trust me =.='
cntik kan . sjuk je mate melihat . hehey :)

ok ! last one , plise do and lighten me .
jngan tulis entry korunk mcm nie .


hai . harinie sy nak cerite pasal diri sy yg hot lg cool mcm ''fasha sandha'' nie . errrr =.=' . aku mmg hot ! aku mmg kiut ! aku suke mkn lamb chop dengan smbal belacan . kdng2 mkn dengan gulai tempoyak . owyehhh . mmg sedap . last sekali aku tahu aku mmg sexy dan aku mmg ske ambik laki orng . FULL STOP !

yeah . yeah . aku tau korunk mmg rajin nak highlight then colour satu persatu perkataan tu . but better don't do this . this is totally not COOL at all !

p/s : post nie , mmg xde kene mengene dengan mane2 blogger atau sesiape sahaje . just to inform , colour is the role to attract readers :)

okey geng ! caw caw ^^,

aishh . like je ke ? comment2 la cikit . peace ^^V

5 000 orang tulis surat cinte:

Miss Purple Ungu said...

nice entry
btw, miss purple suka blog purple ni :)

Izyan Masri said...


NA said...

Menarik pendapat diberikan.


Unknown said...

dem true. heee btw nice entry yaw

Aujinz said...

aaaaa.. personally, saya lebih suka yang simple mimple dimple.. almaklumlah, orang rabun macam saya nie cepat sakit kepala kalau banyak warna.. koh koh koh